Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Srimati Radharani: Most Beloved Worshipable Diety of Gaudiya Vaishnavas

By: Nandgopal Jivan das
(Narender Nolakha)

durad apasya svajanam sukham-artha-kotim
sarveshu sadhana-varesu ciram nirasah
varsantam eva sahajadbhuta-saukhya-dharam
sri radhika carana renu aham bhajami

“Abandoning Family and Friends, Material Pleasures, Wealth and all other Spiritual paths, finding them distasteful. I take on my head and worship the Dust of the Lotus Feet of Sri Radhika, which is shower of Wonderful Transcendental Bliss!!”

Sri Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is stated in the Svetasvatara Upanishad (6.8) "The Supreme Lord has multipotencies, which act so perfectly that all consciousness, strength and activity are being directed solely by His will". The material world, where we are now living, is called bahir-anga-sakti, the external energy of Krishna. Apart from the material, external energy, there is another energy - the internal energy. As the material world is manipulated under the external energy, the spiritual world is conducted by the internal potency. That internal potency, called the Hladini Sakti, is Srimati Radharani.

In CC Adi-lila 1.5 it is said "The loving affairs of Sri Radha and Krishna are transcendental manifestations of the Lord's internal pleasure-giving potency. Although Radha and Krishna are one in Their identity, They separated Themselves eternally". Srimati Radharani, as the highest devotee of Sri Krishna, derives the greatest pleasure in serving Him.

The Hare Krishna maha-mantra is in fact a prayer to Srimati Radharani. The word 'Hare' is derived from 'Hara' which denotes the internal energy or Hladini Sakti of Krishna. This is none other that Srimati Radharani. When one is chanting the maha-mantra, one is saying: "O Krishna ! O Radha !! Please engage me in your devotional service". Krishna is difficult to approach directly, but He is bhakta-vatsala, always eager to please His devotees. Thus the mood of a devotee is to invoke the compassion of Srimati Radharani Who then recommends the devotee to Sri Krishna. Since Krishna is easily pleased by Srimati Radharani, He then readily accepts the devotee in His service.

Lord Krishna appeared on this planet on the Astami of bhadra month in Dvapura-Yuga, in the 28th millennium of Vaivasavat Manvantra. After 15 days Srimati Radharani appears on the Astami Day which is known as Radha Astami. Radharani is not an ordinary girl or woman. She is fully transcendental in nature. Lord Krishna is the energetic and Radharani is the energy. They cannot be separated just like the sun and sunlight.

Understanding the mellows of the relationship between Krishna and Radha is impossible from the mundane perspective. Understanding madhurya-rasa (devotion at the platform of intimacy), which is the highest level of relationship of a devotee with Krishna, is only possible in the most elevated stages of bhakti where there is not even a tinge of material contamination. Therefore Srila Svarupa Damodara Gosvami has written: "The loving affairs of Radha and Krishna are not ordinary, material loving affairs, although they appear like that. Rascals and fools misunderstand Krishna to be an ordinary man. They do not know Krishna's transcendental nature. They try to imitate Krishna's rasa-lila, His dancing with the Gopis". There is no offense greater than this. Devotees starting on the path of bhakti must carefully avoid such offenses. They must simply pray to Srimati Radharani, as their most compassionate Mother, for mercy, for bhakti and for an opportunity to serve Sri Krishna.

One has to be regulated in spiritual practices and become free from material contamination to understand Radha and Krishna. Krishna is the enjoyer and He wants to enjoy. Just try to understand. Krishna hasn’t got to seek external things for His pleasure. Radharani is the expansionof His pleasure potency. Millions of Devotees are trying to achieve that Brahman pleasure and in order to achieve that Brahman pleasure they are neglecting and kicking off all this material pleasure. Do you think that Brahman pleasure is ordinary? So if, for tasting a little Brahman pleasure, all materialistic pleasures are to be given up, do you think that the Supreme Brahman, Lord Sri Krishna, is enjoying this material pleasure?? Hundreds and thousands of goddesses of fortune (gopis) are engaged in His service. Do you think that these lakshmis are material women? How Krishna can take pleasure in the material women? No. …Don’t take that Radharani is an ordinary women like we have our wife or sister or mother. No. She is the pleasure potency of Krishna. And the birth of Radharani was not from the womb of any human being. Her father found Her in a field. So, Radharani is an expansion of Krishna.

Srimati Radharani is known as the Queen of Vrindavan, Vrindavaneshvari. Everyone chants her name in Vrindavan. Devotees beg Her for mercy. Sri Radha is the original form of Ganges River. She is the original form of the holy Tulasi plant. She is the original form of Yamuna River. She is the original form of Saraswati River. She is the original form of the Bhogwati river (the Ganges flowing in the Patal region.). She is the absolute manifestation of total beauty. She is humbly bowed to by all the Lord Brahmas and Lord Sivas in the countless millions of universes created by Lord Vishnu. Her toe nails glow with the radiance of boundless mystic perfection and opulent prosperities.

She is the Goddess of Vedic sacrifices, all pious activities, all that is natural and spontaneous, of all the demigods and goddesses, of all the knowledge of three Vedas, of the enforcement of universal law, of fortune, of forgiveness, of the most pleasurable forest of Vrindavan. She is situated at the topmost level of ecstatic love. The above transcendental qualities attract Krishna fully. Her spiritual body is molten gold complexion. Laxmi and Durga are Her expansions. Brhad-gautamiya-tantra also says (as quoted in CC, Adi-lila 4.83): “The transcendental goddess Srimati Radharani is the direct counterpart of Lord Sri Krishna. She is the central figure for all the goddesses of fortune. She possesses all the attractiveness to attract the all-attractive Personality of Godhead. She is the primeval internal potency of the Lord.”

Thus sings Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati:

“Essence of Beauty and Relationship, Quintessence of Bliss and Compassion, Embodiment of Sweetness and Brilliance, Epitome of artfulness, Graceful in Love: May my mind take refuge in Radharani, Quintessence of all essences.”

As explained in Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (Nectar of Devotion), Krishna possesses sixty-four transcendental qualities. Srimati Radharani has twenty-five transcendental qualities, but She can control even Krishna by them. Her transcendental qualities are as follows: (1) She is sweetness personified; (2) She is a fresh young girl; (3) Her eyes are always moving; (4) She is always brightly smiling; (5) She possesses all auspicious marks on Her body; (6) She can agitate Krishna by the flavor of Her person; (7) She is expert in the art of singing; (8) She can speak very nicely and sweetly; (9) She is expert in presenting feminine attractions; (10) She is modest and gentle; (11) She is always very merciful; (12) She is transcendentally cunning; (13) She knows how to dress nicely; (14) She is always shy; (15) She is always respectful; (16) She is always patient; (17) She is very grave; (18) She is enjoyed by Krishna; (19) She is always situated on the highest devotional platform; (20) She is the abode of love of the residents of Gokula; (21) She can give shelter to all kinds of devotees; (22) She is always affectionate to superiors and inferiors; (23) She is always obliged by the dealings of Her associates, (24) She is the greatest amongst Krishna's girl friends; (25) She always keeps Krishna under Her control.

Krishna means 'all attractive', since He attracts every one to Him. But Srimati Radharani attracts even Krishna. Although Krishna says vedaham samatitani - "I know everything" - He fails to understand Radharani. Krishna is acyuta (inconceivable), but for Him Radharani is inconceivable. Radharani is so great. Krishna thought, "I am full. I am complete in every respect, but still I want to understand Radharani." This question obliged Krishna to accept the propensities of Radharani to understand Himself. So five hundred years ago Krishna appeared as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, in the mood of Srimati Radharani and with Her golden complexion, as His own greatest devotee. Krishna did this to understand the depth of devotion of Srimati Radharani.

The mahabhava (ecstasy of love) experienced by the other gopis cannot be compared to that of Sri Radha. Radharani is the very form of ecstatic love for Sri Krsna who says: “The happiness I feel when meeting Radharani is a hundred times greater than the happiness I get from meeting others”. (CC Adi 4.258) “Srimati Radharani is the beloved consort of Krsna, and She is the wealth of Krsna’s life.” (CC Adi 4.214)

Srimati Radharani is the ideal maha-bhagvat. As the greatest devotee, She is also the most compassionate. She is unable to bear the suffering of the souls trapped in the material world. The word "aradhaya" (prayers) is derived from "Radha" and means "worshippable". Similarly the word "aparadha" (offenses) means "against Radha". When one performs devotional service, one is pleasing Srimati Radharani and when commits Vaishnava aparadha against Krishna or His devotees, one is offending Radharani. Srimati Radharani is the guardian, the mentor and the benefactor of all aspiring devotees. When a soul starts to inquire about Krishna, Srimati Radharani is most pleased and takes charge of his devotional advancements. As one makes progress, one continues to invoke the mercy of Srimati Radharani and when She is pleased, Krishna is automatically pleased.

Srila Thakur Bhaktivinode Thakur Sings:

atapa-rahita suraja nahi jani
radha-virahita krsna nahi mani

"Just as there is no such thing as sun without heat or light, i do not accept a krsna who is without Sri Radha!!"

So, We should always pray for Her mercy for without Her Merciful glance over all of us, its impossible for us to attain the goal of our life- Krishna prema! We must pray to Her:

"O Radharani, I have fallen into the horrible ocean of birth and death and am frightened, but I am seeking Your shelter. O queen of the demigods, please free me from all fears."

"O Radhike, please give me transcendental devotional service to Your lotus feet, which are worshiped by Lord Brahma an
d Lakshmi, and which are served even by Lord Krishna."

"O Srimati Radharani, You are the exalted form of mahabhava, therefore You are the most dear to Krishna. O Goddess, You alone are able to bestow pure love for the Supreme Lord; therefore I offer my humble obeisances unto You."

Srimati Radharani is so glorious that Lord Siva also sings Her glories in the Urdhvamnaya-tantra as follows:

Before whom Laksmi, the goddess of millions of unlimited Vaikunthas, stoops to bow with all humility; from whom Sati, Saci and Sarasvati receive favours; endless riches, supernatural powers, perfection and liberation are attained within the light of Her small toenail. O when will She shower upon me Her sidelong glance of over flowing grace?

O Goddess Supreme, who presides over all sacrifices, rites and oblations and over the hosts of demigods and saintly persons. O Goddess Supreme, who provides the force to the Vedic utterances and to all arguments of law and logic; O Supreme Mistress of Laksmi and Bhu; O Queen of the celestial gardens of delight; Queen of Vraja, O Sovereign Mistress of Vrndavana, Srimati Radhika, I prostrate before Thee!

May the Daughter of King Vrsabhanu, thus, on hearing this wonderful hymn of Her glories, be pleased to always shower on Me Her sidelong glance of over-flowing grace. Then may the threefold forms of karma, accumulated over many births, be immediately annihilated and may I be granted entrance into the eternal realm of King Nanda's divine son.

All glories to Srimati Radharani !!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Ambassador of the Spiritual World

By Nandagopal Jivan das
(Narender Nolakha)

In the Brahma-vaivarta Purana, in a conversation with Ganga Devi, Lord Krishna describes that after 5,000 years of Kali-yuga have passed, His mantra upasaka, the great sage and worshiper of Krishna's holy names, will appear and spread the chanting of Krishna's names (in the form of the Hare Krishna mantra) not only in India but throughout the world. Lord Krishna explains that by the chanting of His holy names the world will become spiritualized and everyone will be hari-bhaktas, engaged in the process of devotion to the Supreme. The purified devotees will visit the holy places and holy rivers of India and will purify them. They will also purify those with whom they come in contact.

Lord Caitanya predicted that:

prthivite ache yata nagaradi grama
sarvatra pracara haibe mora nama

“In every town and village, the chanting of my name will be heard.”

Lord Caitanya also foretold in Sri Caitanya Mangala:

"I want to flood the whole world with the chanting of the holy names. I will personally preach and flood India with harinama sankirtana. And My senapati bhakta (great devotee commander) will come, preach in different countries and flood the world with the chanting of Hare Krishna.”

Later, in the 1896, Bhaktivinode Thakura predicted that “A great personality will soon appear to preach the Holy Names of Hari all over the whole world.”

Recently, it is found that a hint of the appearance of such great personality is also given in the Yajur-Veda and the Holy Bible too!!!!!

As an answer to these predictions, on Nandotsava, the annual festival day celebrating Krishna's birth, Srila Prabhupada blessed this planet with his presence on Sept. 1, 1896. His horoscope predicted that, “At seventy this man will go outside India and establish so many temples.” It was Srila Prabhupada who grew up as a pure devotee of Krishna who took the chanting of "Hare Krishna" around the world and made it a household word.

His father was also a pure devotee of Lord Krishna. He would always invite sadhus, to his house for meals and always asked them to bless his son to become a great devotee of Radharani, Lord Krishna's most beloved devotee and consort. He also bought him a small cart to pull the Deity of Lord Jagannatha; So Prabhupada would organize little Rathayatra festivals in his neighborhood. Prabhupada's father also taught him how to play mridunga. But nobody knew that his mridunga playing, that he would use to accompany his public chanting, would become famous around the world!!

Even in 1922 when Srila Prabhupada met Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, his to be Spiritual Master, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta told Srila Prabhupada that, "You are a nice young man, you know English; therefore, you should preach this mission of Lord Caitanya specifically to the English-speaking countries in the Western world." Srila Prabhupada always remembered this. In 1933, Srila Prabhupada took formal initiation from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, accepting him as his spiritual master. Then, just two weeks before Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati left this world on December 31, 1936, he sent one letter to Srila Prabhupada, instructing him again to take this message and spread it to the Western countries.

Following the desire of his spiritual master, Prabhupada began publishing his Back to Godhead magazine in 1944. It was difficult in the beginning. He wrote them himself, edited them, had them printed, and even road into town on the bus to distribute these one page sheets. But he never stopped. He had also started his League of Devotees, a small organization of Krishna conscious people. This was a forerunner of what was to be The International Society for Krishna Consciousness, which he founded after he came to America.

Prabhupada showed extreme patience and steadfastness, with only one goal to achieve, the mission given to him by his Guru Maharaj. Srila Prabhupada came to America in 1965 on the steamship Jaladuta with only 40 rupees, a pair of hand cymbals, a few books and his invincible bravery and will to carry out his guru's desire to bring the message of Lord Chaitanyadev to these Western countries, without knowing anyone and with complete dependence on Krishna. He faced the severe obstacles of two heart attacks while crossing the ocean on the Jaladuta, but his compassion for the suffering of humanity, and his guru's blessings gave him the courage to reach the American shore.

He maintained himself by selling just enough books to get by, and staying here and there. It was finally in 1966 when Prabhupada officially founded The International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Srila Prabhupada had to fight with many opposing elements and in countries where the culture was not at all favorable for spiritual advancement in Krsna consciousness. Yet he established over one hundred temples, asramas, and Krsna conscious communities throughout the world. He inaugurated the Rathayatra Festival of Lord Jagannatha in major cities around the globe, in effect, bringing the temple to the people.

With our mind we might try to imagine who he was, what power stood behind him, what is his eternal spiritual identity? Prabhupada is also much more than just a great man, he is the shaktyavesa avatar sent to save the whole world from impersonalism and voidism and to revive the world's Krishna consciousness. He is the ambassador of the spiritual world. He is more than just a saint or sadhu; he is Jagat Guru, the one at who's feet all gurus and saints are sitting.
Indeed, Srila Prabhupada was this planets true guardian, the real compassionate refuge and spiritual strength for all of earth's creatures. But due to the modes of passion and ignorance, so many did not recognize him. Those who were fortunate to recognize him could not keep themselves from loving him and wanting to selflessly follow his teachings. The day his lotus feet stepped down upon this planet, everyone became immediately spiritually benefited whether they knew it or not. And that is the shakti (power) of the pure devotee of Radharani. That is the inconceivable achintya shakti of Lord Krishna's beloved emissary, Srila Prabhupada.

Today Srila Prabhupada may not be present between us physically but his blessings are experienced even by people who never met Prabhupada personally (like me). Therefore people need not think they are missing out on his mercy. They should know also that Prabhupada's vani is the transcendental vibration that is meant for them personally, and when they hear it on CD's or tapes, or read his words from his books, that he is directly talking to them. He is still with us and we can feel his presence through his representative, Sri Guru. He came to save everyone, past, present or future, not just a few thousand souls that happened to be here and get initiated while he was here in his physical body. This is the amazing spiritual potency of the pure devotee.

No one can ever take his place as the Founder Acharya of ISKCON and the one and original initiator of the pure chanting of the Hare Krishna Mahamantra around the world! No one had ever before on such a grand scale delivered the mercy of Sri Chaitanya and Sri Krishna to the entire world through books, his harinama sankirtan movement, profuse prasadam distribution, deity worship and the establishment of hundreds of beautiful temples worldwide! He was the first in all these transcendental aspects.

Any one of the feats mentioned above would be a significant feather in anyone's cap, even if it were the only thing a person accomplished in a lifetime. That Srila Prabhupada did all these things in just ten years, and fulfilled so many predictions of sastras, great devotees, acaryas and astrologers, and the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, is patent validation of his inimitable role in Vaisnava history. By his efforts, uncountable millions have read about Krsna, honored Krsna prasadam, and heard and chanted the maha mantra. Through his teachings, he continues to relieve humanity from the maladies spawned by doctrines of monism and voidism, while holding open the door of Krsna bhakti for many generations to come. Let us recognize and remember his unprecedented contributions and strive to bring him honor throughout the world.

Although he got millions of dollars and many opulent properties but he always kept the spirit of vairagya. Everything belonged to his guru maharaj and to Krishna, including his own self. He saw everything as Krishna’s Property and used everything in Krishna’s Service.

Prabhupada continues to dispel the darkness around us with his torch light of pure bhakti.

“cakhu-dan dilo jei, janme janme prabhu sei, divya jnan hrde prakasito"

Prabhupada, you opened our darkened eyes and fill our hearts with transcendental knowledge. You are our lord and master for all our births to come.

Thank you very much Srila Prabhupada for all your gifts. Your mercy is an unfathomable ocean and we are so fortunate to obtain even a drop of that ocean. Thank you again and again.

All glories to Om Visnu-pada Paramahamsa Parivrajakacarya Astottara-Sata Sri Srimad
His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada!

Janmastami: When Unborn Was Born!!

By: Nandagopal Jivan das
(Narender Nolakha)

About 5,000 years ago, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Cause of all Causes, Adi Purusa Lord Sri Krsna Chandra made His divine appearance on this planet earth on the eighth day of the waning moon in the month of Hrsikesa or Bhadra-pad (this day varies between months of July- September). Since then it is being celebrated as Janmastami throughout the country and now, by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada, in the whole world with lots of enthusiasm and millions of people visit the temples of Krsna on this auspicious day to get the special blessings of the Lord on this special day.

Janma means “birth”, but Vedic Scriptures tells us that Krsna is ajam which means one who is unborn. He is neither born nor does He die at any moment. Although, He appears and then also disappears but it is all due to His Supreme Will which no one can change. These appearances, disappearances and activities are known as Pastimes (Lila) because they are not forced on Him by any other person. Krsna is not born like us. We are conditioned souls in this material world and we are forced by our own deeds and desires to take repeated births here. But Krsna is above the workings of the material energy. He is the master of this energy and He comes and goes by His own sweet will. He only seems to be born like us.

This is just like a King visiting a jail in His Kingdom but not coming under its rules and regulations because all the rules and regulations are made by the King Himself. Similarly, all the rules and regulations of this material world are made by Krsna Himself but When He Himself visits this material world, He is not impelled to follow the rules and regulations. Although, sometimes His activities seems to be that of an ordinary person but He do this just to confuse and deceive the non-devotees. Both His Birth and Activities are divyam, transcendental (BG4.9). But reward of seeing this truth is only gained by those who are not envious of Him, like His pure devotees.

Queen Kunti, Mother of Pandavas and a great devotee of Lord Krsna, who appeared with Him around 5,000 years ago, prays to Lord Krsna (SB 1.8.32-36) as follows:

Some say that the Unborn is born for the glorification of pious kings, and others say that He is born to please King Yadu, one of Your dearest devotees. You appear in his family as sandalwood appears in the Malaya hills.

Others say that since both Vasudeva and Devaki prayed for You, You have taken Your birth as their son. Undoubtedly You are unborn, yet You take Your birth for their welfare and to kill those who are envious of the demigods.

Others say that the world, being overburdened like a boat at sea, is much aggrieved, Brahma, who is Your son, prayed for You, and so You have appeared to diminish the trouble.

And yet others say that You appeared to rejuvenate the devotional service of hearing, remembering, worshiping and so on in order that the conditioned souls suffering from material pangs might take advantage and gain liberation.

O Krsna, those who continuously hear, chant and repeat Your transcendental activities, or take pleasure in others' doing so, certainly see Your lotus feet, which alone can stop the repetition of birth and death.

So, Krsna comes here to attract the mind of the fallen and conditioned souls (i.e. we) by manifesting His divine and transcendental pastimes and giving them a chance to Go back home, Back to Godhead.

Thus sings His Divine Grace Srila Saccidananda Bhaktivinode Thakura:

gopinath, tumi krpa-parabara
jivera karane, asiya prapance,
lila koile subistara

“O Gopinath, You are the ocean of mercy. Having come into this phenomenal world, You expand Your divine pastimes for the sake of the fallen souls.”

So, even if only one soul understands the transcendental and divine nature of Krsna’s appearance and pastimes by hearing it from an authorized Spiritual Master, who is coming in the line of disciplic succession starting from the Lord Himself, then Lord Krsna’s Mission or the mission of His pure devotee is fulfilled. When Sri Jesus Christ said that I and My father are one then He actually meant that His own purpose, i.e. to help the fallen souls to go back to Godhead, and the purpose of His father, i.e. God is one.

Similarly, HDG Srila Bhaktisiddantha Saraswati Thakura Prabhupada used to say that on the cost of all the Temples and Maths I have, if I am able to create just one soul a pure devotee of Krsna then my mission will be successful. Because just one pure devotee of the Lord is enough to change the face of the world and turn the most fallen souls into the pure devotees of the Lord. It is seen in the life of Srila Prabhupada-- How he single handedly went to the western countries, where He didn’t even knew whether to turn right or left, and turned the most fallen souls in so many rejected parts of the world into pure Vaishnavas. Such is the power of a pure devotee.

Lord Krsna Himself declares in Bhagavad- Gita 4.9 that:

“One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving this body, takes his birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna.”

So, to attain Krsna, we have to know Him in truth, and that correct understanding can be achieved only under the guidance of scriptures, as well as Krsna Himself and His pure representative. Lord Krsna appeared in a Jail which was full of darkness. Similarly, our heart is also in darkness due to its contact with the material nature from the time immemorial. If we take advantage of His message and the teachings of His Pure devotees then it will help us to attain the highest goal of life—pure love for Him. As a ISKCONIST, if we follow the teachings of Srila Prabhupada then gradually all our doubts will be cleared and our natural love for Him will shine through. So, on this most auspicious day, Janmastami, we pray to the Lord that He may remove our darkness and enter our heart, so that we may clearly see who we are?, Who is Krsna? And what is our relationship with Him? Hare Krishna!!